Metal Skills are the masters of the metal universe. By using the power of their minds (and some machinery) they have the ability to bend, fuse, cut, and laser metal into pretty much anything imaginable. So when they asked us to collaborate on a trolley for the Red Bull Trolley Grand Prix, we locked all the doors and windows, and did some real hard out imagining. Our wildest imaginations lead us to imagine a large rideable 80s glam guitar on wheels.
Tipping our leather top hats to the heavy metal album imagery of yore, we developed a totally bitchin' logo and illustration which emblazoned the trolley, as well as tour merchandise like t-shirts and posters. Metal Skills lived up to their name using their exceptional skills to bring the idea to life, including such details as real playable guitar strings. We finished a respectable 5th in the race, and an even more respectable 1st in the Design & Creativity category.